New England Specialty Foods
HomeHealthy Living: Sugar Free
A Taste of Provence, Concord, MA , 877-683-6225,

Bar Harbor Jam, Bar Harbor, ME, 800-453-0883,

Bob's Sugar House, Dover-Foxcroft, ME, 207-564-2145,

Boston Coffee Cake, North Andover, MA, 800-434-0500,

Bouchard Family Farm, Fort Kent, ME, 207-834-3237,

Chatila's Sugar-Feee Bakery, Salem, NH, 877-619-5398,

Deva Naturals, S. Burlington, VT, 802-310-7370,

Gladstone's Under The Sun, Bar Harbour, ME, 866-480-0000,

Granite State Candy Shoppe, Concord, NH, 888-225-2531,

Gypsy Wind Productions, Auburn, ME, 888-304-5697,

Haven's Candies, Westbrook, ME, 800-639-6309,

Himala Salt, Great Barrington, MA, 413-528-5141,

Kennebec Chocolates, Augusta, ME, 800-374-1857,

Maple Grove Farms, St. Johnsbury, VT, 800-525-2540,

Mom's Munchies, Freeport, ME, 207-865-0278, 

Monica's Chocolates, Lubec, ME, 866-952-4500,

Munson's Chocolates, Bolton, CT, 888-686-7667,

Richardson's Candy Kitchen, Deerfield, MA, 413-772-0443,

Smith's Country Cheese, Winchendon, MA, 800-700-9974,

Sugarbush Farm, Woodstock, VT, 800-281-1757,

Sweenor's Chocolates, Wakefield, RI, 800-834-3123,

Van Otis Chocolates, Manchester, NH, 800-826-6847,